Who among us has never looked up into the heavens on a starlit night, lost in wonder at the vastness of space and the beauty of the stars?
A silent night always fulfills its promises. Have you ever experienced a night wrapped in stillness? No concerns, no worry, no fear. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing outstanding, nor pressing. There were no challenges. No hidden agendas. No motives. Just affirmation of being in a pleasant space, with nothing but soothing thoughts and pure intentions. The sky was clear. The air was light. With spirits high, we look at one another in wonderment and ask, why can’t it always be this way?
In the stillness, we can happen upon a state of bliss. Who knew just by rolling with the punches, receptive to going with the flow, we’d experience acceptance, gratitude, and love, all rolled into one tidy neat package. However, fine tuning is necessary to achieve such a pivotal milestone. We have to make a few concessions along the way, with some miner adjustments. In this magical, transformative space, we bask in the quiet moments. Not to say getting here is easy, for it requires we release what was comfortably uncomfortable. Nonetheless, it’s with a new outlook that we take a chance on something new. Now gaining a newfound wisdom that will always challenge us to seek something better for our lives. It’s here we attain further insight, a clarity which doesn’t come overnight. However, it arrives just in time… when needed most.
The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn’t matter what mood you’re in or what kind of year you’ve had – it’s a fresh start.
We reflect on the moments that mean so much. This is where our focus should rest… on those meaningful moments. Taking advantage of a peaceful retreat will help us see the opportunities. But the past always beckons us to look back and this is where we can get lost. When it’s all about the here and now and our plans for the future. There’s tremendous freedom in knowing we have what it takes to change the direction of our lives. And it’s in this powerful moment, we discover – what happens is what we let happen, what we do to make it happen. That’s the power we have. To achieve something greater in life and to take the time needed to figure it all out. We can start at square one, and that is getting it all on paper.
Why not start a journal along with a few lists: a wish list, a bucket list, a task list, a list of resolutions? Why do so many of us fly by the seat of our pants? Why not just plan it and do it? Now’s a great time, right before a new year. I get it. We may get somewhat lazy, placing it on the back-burner. Sometimes we take chances, sometimes we don’t. And sometimes we sit in stillness – relishing a moment of rest – basking in a moment of truth. It is during a silent night that can forever change our lives.
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.
It takes time to learn the art of letting go, releasing the burdens of the past, so we can enjoy peaceful moments. We can make room for this, knowing it’s time well spent. We trust each moment by trusting the process, trusting our hearts, in faith, accepting all is well, regardless of the situations we face. A knowing that every challenge we endure will teach us valuable life lessons. It shows us what it is to walk in confidence, to continue with hope, believing there’s more to life. We choose this. We create special memories and as time goes on, we discover amazing things. Christmas is the perfect time, as it ushers in the bounty and beauty of its season. And it is up to us to give meaning to every second, within this season and beyond.
Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas every day.
We can tune into the harmonious phases of life, embracing the gifts with grateful hearts. Whether we celebrate alone, with friends, or family. Or whether we choose not to celebrate at all. We search our hearts and perceive God’s loving intentions. The message is audible and clear mostly during this jubilant time of year.
Not everyone looks forward to Christmas. I know, hard to believe, but it’s a sad fact. Some may have lost loved ones. Others are going through things that can make this time not only difficult, but quite challenging. Some feel nothing but the loneliness of being alone. With that said, this difficult time is but a season in one’s life. For it’s in these moments that call us to look closer at something that perhaps needs to change. What’s working and what isn’t? But it never fails… there’s always a tendency to look back when there’s nothing there for us.
The key is looking forward to the future, to what lies ahead. The past served us by teaching what we needed to learn, empowering us to move onwards with hope toward something greater. To see something for what it was and as it is. Ask yourself: What can I change and what can I do to foster these changes? This is when we can take advantage of a silent night, so we can explore those innermost thoughts.
Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things.
The festive season differs from every other season. Seasons come and go, but it’s during reflection on the magical moments of Christmas, we see it as a season of hope, joy, peace, and love. Accepting it for what it is and what we can make of this special time. We place so much pressure on ourselves, on others… to be, to act, to deliver. And this multiplies tenfold during Christmas, causing those unwelcome troubled feelings to surface, diminishing our joy for what the season holds.
If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
You can tell yourself, this year will be different. It will be whatever I decide to make of it. And that it’s okay for things to be less than perfect, less than what I expect, and less than how it was back in the day. Less is okay. Why not entertain simplicity? The simple act of embracing the time you have for yourself and the moments you’re blessed to share with others. Doing what you love, immersed in everything that brings joy to your heart. Thoughtfully, patiently, and warmly welcoming Christmas for what it is and what it truly can be. It’s when we embrace a silent night, open to its miracles, that something miraculous can take place.
We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.