So tell me what’s your truth? Do you find yourself in denial? Have you closed a door you should open? Or have you opened a door you should close? Are you going in circles, doing things that are meaningless? Perhaps you’re in a relationship that’s going nowhere. Stuck in a dissatisfying job? What’s your truth and why aren’t you living in it?
Perhaps most of us don’t live the truth because we get stuck somewhere in the lies, the lies we tell ourselves. It’s important to believe in the beauty of us. Appreciating who we are at this moment and grateful for what we can do. We go on a quest, searching for something we never find. Somehow ending up on pathways leading us further from our truth. We have a rough idea of where we want the path to lead, however, our attitude, viewpoint or outlook doesn’t measure up. We lose our way, the problem with getting lost is we look back.
Somehow we carry stuff from the past, holding on so tight to the memory refusing to let go of what didn’t work. This blocks us from moving on, shaping who we are, and who we ultimately become. Recollection of past negative events and situations only inhibits us from living today’s truth. Our thoughts influence everything in our lives, from where we live, who we hang-out with, and what we do with the time we have left.
I’m passionate about writing, however, with this being said, I lost several years not doing what I loved. Why do we deny what we desire? Focused on everything except our wish. We don’t approach the person we like because we fear rejection. We don’t send a resume because we tell ourselves we may not have the qualifications. We don’t apply for a placement in a college or university because we heard there’s only a ten percent applicant acceptance rate.
Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action toward your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.
Now think about this for a moment… if someone isn’t living their truth that would mean they are living a lie. It’s difficult and challenging to abide in a deceptive space. We have the tendency to deceive ourselves, here are a few misleading statements: I’m not smart enough, not attractive, not brave, not worthy, or not ready. I’m not… but you are… attractive enough, brave enough, worthy, ready, and capable. You’re just in denial, exercising wrong thinking. A noteworthy change will result when optimistic positive affirmations take over pessimistic negative statements.
By now I’m sure you know where I’m going with this. The person you think about is perhaps thinking about you. That job you want is waiting for you. The school you want to attend has a place just for you. Some win the prize because they are engaged, hopeful, and persistent. While others are reticent, hopeless, and discouraged, holding themselves back from experiencing a rewarding life. Failing to launch anything will launch you toward the failure you fear. By refusing to launch our dream we end up where we don’t belong, in a negative state of mind harboring disappointment.
We can change our lives only if we want change to take place. By altering the way we respond to what comes our way we can catch sight of those new opportunities. It takes a moment to step out of your way, away from the place you’re stuck in, the place you flounder. Perhaps content to remain in a comfort zone. Oh sure, it feels okay but give it five, ten or twenty years and in retrospect you will have regrets. It takes a second to plant the positivity seed in your mind to turn things around by taking a chance and doing what you dream right now. Forget over-thinking and do something you’ve always pictured in your mind and held in your heart.
Dismiss the fear, the dread or the panic. Refuse to entertain doubt, disbelief or uncertainty. And focus on the prize, what you want your life to look like. Imagine winning… the dream job, that dream mate, an ideal life. But, what if… oh no, here we go again? Negativity paid a visit and now you’re speaking its language. So what if declined, refused, or rejected? Just head in another direction. Maybe it didn’t go the way you had hoped? Tomorrow is another day. There will always be another person, another job, another opportunity. Don’t give up by not asking, by not applying, by not dreaming.
Take another road, the high road to somewhere instead of the low road to nowhere. Get into a different mind frame. Spin it around like a record on a turntable. Press the pause button, rewind then fast forward. Now what if… the person you asked out said yes? What if that company offered you the job? What if… your dream life became your reality? Dream big, take a chance, and appreciate an authentic life. You know what’s in your heart, discover your truth, and live it.