Life has its ebbs and flows. Stressful events happen whenever, wherever. The key is to not stay stuck in this space for long. And as challenging as this is to break free from stressors, it’s also important to keep the stress at a minimum. But how do we do this? Creatively… and with an attitude of playfulness.
I want to inspire you to look at everything differently as things come and go and play out in your life. Perhaps, it’s time for you to reconnect to your playful nature. It’s essential we take a lighthearted approach. Where do we begin? It gets underway when we make time for play. We could find the essence of playfulness in our creativity. And our creativity is sparked by playfulness. They work simultaneously and together they ease the stress.
Your soul is infinitely creative. It is alive and expansive in nature. It is curious and playful, changing with the tides of time.
How do we tap into this creative playfulness? This is where we get resourceful and come up with a plan. A plan of action. The goal is to adapt to an attitude of playfulness. Remembering what it’s like to be a kid again. Surrounded by your favorite people. Inspired by interaction. It’s important to take time for reconnecting. A time on our own and another time to enjoy the company of others. There’s a fine balance between the two. So we take solo time but we must remember to counterbalance this time to nurture relationships. But what if something gets in our way?
For instance, when the weather isn’t cooperative, we are less active. Less getting out, usually means less interaction. It’s easy to get lulled into hermit mode and delve into a hiatus. Whereas we are more energetic and engaging in connectivity when the weather is nice. Regardless of the weather, it’s imperative we mingle with others. Socializing is essential. We get out, get together, communicate, share stories, and have a few laughs.
Weather isn’t the only factor when so many of us get stuck in limbo, feeling frustrated, and restless. It happens anytime, anywhere, to anyone. But this is when we need a massive shift of perspective.
Sometimes I feel like I’m lacking a playfulness. I envy guys who are consistently able to maintain a playful, optimistic perspective on things.
There is a tendency to overlook what we need the most. And while contemplating and trying to figure it out, realizing it’s time to perhaps reconsider how we do the things we do. Besides, we are social beings, who will always want and need more. Like wanting and needing to create more free time so we can spend more time engaged in social activities with the people we love to hang out with. We need to acknowledge socializing and interacting are vital factors. Figuring out how this can work for us, is solving half the battle, the other half requires we take the necessary steps outside of our routine.
All I can say is keep writing. Great work.
I admit since Covid I have been spending tons of alone time. Not great considering what I read in this blog. I gather an adjustment is required in my life, change up a few things. Thank You! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!!! Very much appreciate your tips.