Want to experience a richer, fuller life? If you answered yes, then it’s time to look at the principle of choice. Eight power choices that can change your life. If exercised, these choices will be the foundation where your mind meets your heart. And it’s most notable when we decide to see something through to completion by building on an underlying principle of choice. The power choices that will put you back on track, if implemented, will yield opportunities leading to success.
Power Choice One:
Choose to live in the moment. The power of now is where the magic happens. Decide to decide, plan, then resolve to take the steps needed to get to where you’d rather be.
Power Choice Two:
Choose to take a leap of faith, don’t just wish it, dream it, or imagine it… do it. Reach out, text, email, send a card, flowers, apply for that job, request the promotion, do something. Want to go back to school? Go. Want to move? Move. Dream of changing careers? Why not? Ready to love again? Do what it takes to win a heart.
Power Choice Three:
Choose to live authentically. Be true to you. You already know what you like and what you dislike, you know what you want and what you don’t, which is half the battle. And if you do what you need to do and say what you need to say, you can live truthfully, powerfully in your authenticity.
Just remember, things may not go as planned. Life is full of diversions and detours. Besides, your truth or revelation may not align well with someone else’s, or it may not be trusted or accepted. It doesn’t matter because it’s your truth.
The authenticity of any relationship, whether at work, within a friendship, or in a romantic sense will reveal where you stand, and how someone views you. The key is to take a chance to just be you, open and honest, and let the pieces fall as need be, win or lose. At least you speak your truth, now free, you can get on with life. The ball is now in their court.
Power Choice Four:
Choose to learn from the challenges and the difficult situations, rather than viewing all problems as stumbling blocks or obstacles. Imagine how life can be. Take a chance to move beyond those fears that hold you back, beyond the pain that keeps you stuck, and beyond the past that invites you to remain where you no longer belong.
Power Choice Five:
Choose to come from the place of peace. When you choose from the place of peace, you come from a position of strength. You may have fought the battle and in the aftermath of confusion, you grasp what you needed to learn. And now know what you know. Everything you’ve experienced up to this point was based on who you were, not on who you are willing to become.
Power Choice Six:
Choose to exercise positive affirmations. Remind yourself that negativity no longer has a purpose or a role to play in your life. Refuse to give it space. Smother any negative thoughts, beliefs, or convictions daily with encouraging affirmations that lift your spirit.
Power Choice Seven:
Choose to practice gratitude. A grateful heart leads to abundance. When thankful for everything, for the good, the bad, and everything in between, for where you are now, and for what you have learned, your outlook on life will change.
Power Choice Eight:
Choose to come from a place of love. Whenever you are strong and confident in this space, you can build a better life, a life that can withstand the test of time because it’s built on a solid foundation.
Nothing that you do will ever feel good if you let people convince you that you have no choice.
A life built on the principle of choice helps you to create a better life. Trust you, trust where you are, what you’ve accomplished and learned. Grateful for the freedom to follow what beats your drum. You have the power to turn your life around. But not too many people do because they either don’t believe they can or they’re too focused on all the other things in life that absorb valuable time and energy. Every choice we make creates the life we live. Isn’t it time we made better choices?