As a writer, I’m always curious. What if you knew something someone thought you didn’t? Would you carry on as if you didn’t know, holding back, letting it slide to …
Here you have it, the continuing saga, a spillover from last month. We have much to discuss regarding toxic relationships. Plus, I’ve received some compelling emails since my last post, …
My sister is in a toxic relationship with a cheater. I really don’t understand how she, of all people, ever got herself entangled in something like this. Do you have …
Over the past few months, I’ve noticed a recurring theme in the emails I’ve received. Apparently, tolerating unacceptable behavior is a thing. Who knew? In fact, some people endure a …
In love, as it is in life, there’s wisdom in never letting one’s emotions cloud judgment. We are to see everything for what it is and for what it isn’t. …
We learn as we go, but what’s helpful is when someone hands us snippets of valuable dating lessons, placing us ahead of the curve. Decisions, standards, and boundaries are pivotal, …
With every person you date, you learn something. It could be something important about life, love, or both. Unhappy in love and you may, to some extent, find yourself off …
Whom to date takes on a whole new meaning given time. Perhaps what you believed something was, clearly, wasn’t. Maybe whatever you thought you had, you didn’t. It could be …
I’ve recently received emails from those who take an interest in this blog, asking that I share my thoughts on some guidelines to consider when setting standards. This subject bears …
Ahh… high standards. There’s something about choosing right. With that said, the question we need to ask is: What defines high standards? A colleague once said, “Geri, is it high …
After reviewing a few emails, one reader asked about dating standards and whether this is something we should consider. Absolutely. Whenever the excitement of meeting someone new is surpassed by …
Love. What a beautiful word. How will you know it’s love? You’ll just know. It feels oh so right because it is. We know within three months. Six months we …
Ahh… dating. Perhaps there are rules we may not even be aware of, have never considered, or have allowed to fall by the wayside. It’s the dating protocol we surrender. …
Let’s get into it and delve into the world of connecting. After all, meeting the right person and building a relationship isn’t an easy endeavor. To socialize is one thing, …
It’s spring, a time when we’re tidying up our spaces and cleaning out our closets. We assess what we have and rid ourselves of what we no longer need. Now …
It’s easy attracting those who are bad for you. It boils down to the pursuit. What are you pursuing? Ahh… the pursuit, it may leave you wanting. And why is …
Ahh… attraction. The appeal, the allure, the desirability. Those who look great have a way of capturing one’s attention and imagination. But what if our heart’s desire is ill-natured, mean-spirited, …
It’s February and romance is in the air. Can you feel it? Perhaps you gave up on the challenge of putting yourself out there. Maybe you hit a lull, a …
‘Tis the season of love with Valentine’s Day fast approaching. This is the time of year when we plan something extra nice, weeks in advance for the special people in …
How many of us receive bad advice? Perhaps we didn’t even ask for someone’s input, but there it was, smugly delivered. Should you take it or should you keep it …
Is the story that’s unfolding, playing out the way you’d expect, the way you’d like it to? If not, why not? Or is your unfolding story uncharted territory? It’s easy …
Losing to win isn’t a new concept. How many times have you found yourself at a crossroads, questioning what just happened and why? Let’s just face it, some things work …
The cell phone rang in the wee hours, awakening her from the first sound sleep she had in a very long time. Normally she never picked up a call at …
What does the power of now have to do with anything? Well, for starters, if you were to continue down a path with nothing but remorse and regret, living in …
Why do we devote so much time and energy to someone who makes our lives miserable? Life is short and is meant to be enjoyed. First thing, be honest. Are …
The story you tell yourself is relevant. Tell yourself a better story and you are more apt to express what you think and feel. But when you lack confidence and …
You may have had deja vu, when you felt you’ve gone through this before. When you thought this is it. But it isn’t. Adding more weight to the emotional baggage. …
Who enjoys being stuck? Hopefully, no one. The thing is, whenever we magnify a situation, an issue, a circumstance, we cannot see a way out. Why is that? Because we’re …
When we think about the need for love, companionship, or friendship, we know it’s a commitment that takes time and energy. We are forever eager for new opportunities and recognize …
They both knew, yet did nothing. Years later, he moved to the west coast and she moved on. We juggle so many things in life. The worse thing one can …
After healing, we enter a transformative period, when a shift takes place emotionally. The energetic shift, equips us to place ourselves in alignment with a person who’s in tune with …
As you read this blog post, I would like for you to focus on you. Not on your relationships, on what happened, or didn’t happen. I want to stress the …
“I want love,” you say with a faint sense of hope and guarded optimism. Everyone wants, needs, and relishes love. And it shows up only when we’re ready. Sure something …
Over the Christmas break, there we were, a few friends sharing some interesting personal stories. If you have followed this blog, you already know I enjoy sharing my two cents …
Anyone quick to judge, who plays the blame game, and retaliates whenever you break any of their so-called rules, delights in ultimatums. When in the company of those who choose …
We’ve all been there, when someone gave us an ultimatum. The ultimatum is not only challenging, but this is where we are prone to curl up in a ball of …
Your world, your life, the job you perform, the people you know will challenge you. Life will not only challenge you to be your best, but it may also provoke …
I don’t know about you, but I had my share of friendships and relationships which bordered on narcissism. This is where the definition of self-love has a whole new meaning. …
Our actions always follow our thoughts. So whatever we end up going through in life results from what we are thinking, good or bad. It’s cause and effect. If for example, …
Leaving one relationship for another may be a good idea that wasn’t such a great idea after all. If a heart is no longer in a relationship, it’s difficult to stay. …
What do you see? A happy couple? Content? Pleased? In love? Be honest. What do we expect from the people we associate with and what do we neglect to consider? …
Life is a continuous educational journey. Stuff happens, people change, and things go wrong, so it’s important to take the steps to overcome negative emotions. When we allow our emotions to …
Occasionally, we enter a period in life when ugly surfaces. I was miserable… let’s face it, when something is bad it’s bad. And living in denial isn’t a healthy place. Regardless of who …
It was a cold, windy autumn evening, when I made my way to the bible study group I’ve been with for over two years. This night unlike any other, brought …
Why do people have difficulty with the act of forgiveness? There I was enjoying another social function when I couldn’t help overhearing an unsettling conversation take place between two friends. …
Remember when you played make-believe with your best friend? We played dress-up wearing our mom’s shoes and clothing, even her favorite lipstick, we dressed up for tea parties, costume parties, …
Do we have a tendency to pay more attention to how someone or something looks from the outside with little to no regard for what rests within? There was a …
(PART 3 OF 3) Is ghosting a heartless way to end something, or is it a way to avoid potential conflict? Could it be a way to protect one’s heart? …
(PART 2 OF 3) When you think about ghosting what comes to mind? Do you see it as a form of cruelty or simply a way to end a romance? …
(PART 1 OF 3) I believe we try harder when it’s a little too late. What happens when sense disappears from sensibility? Whether it’s one rose, twenty-four or forty-eight we …
There are great dates and unpleasant dates, but what about those middle-of-the-road dates? The so-so dates you don’t understand because they are on another page in a different chapter. Good …
A day of love is just around the corner. Valentine’s is one-day set-aside on a calendar to show someone we care. But wait… shouldn’t Valentine’s be every day of the …
A former colleague invited me to afternoon tea at a quaint cafe to catch-up on news. It was fun to learn who retired, who left the organization just because, and …
What if you’re headed down the old path once again? Same old, same old. It’s time to get excited, and start anew. To reach success, we have to take things …
When striving for success, there will be times when you encounter an ultimate challenge. You feel you are heading in the right direction only to meet with opposition. It’s when …
We go through life unscathed until we meet resistance. When someone challenges us by implying, my way or the highway. This alone provokes us to action. That’s okay because when pressed …
I’m by no means a relationship expert. Although, I know it’s difficult to be everything to everyone. Case in point, when individuals aren’t happy with themselves how will they ever …
We know. We are aware when things aren’t working out the way they should. However, it takes some of us longer than others before we can utter that word… enough. …
He reached for the phone on the fourth ring almost missing the call. The caller was surprised because it usually went directly to the answering service. Chats with this individual …
I stood content against the backdrop, watching everyone having a great time. I chose to be a solitary figure temporarily, in a room full of people, quietly standing with a drink …
Years ago, I watched a friend place a stack of photos through the shredder. She cited she no longer wanted any so-called memory lingering in what she believed was her …
There are those who have unreasonable expectations this I know because I was once that person who always expected someone to present their best self. The dream version of what …
We attract who we are and to attract better relationships we must work on ourselves first. When we alter the way we look at things, change our attitude and behavior, …
When I was just a kid, my siblings and I would play outdoors. But before we left the house, my mother would always say play nice. Well, out we went …
Some people question why they have no one to tango with, while others question why they feel lonely during a tango. Why are people alone and lonely, while others are …