In the scriptures, peace means either freedom from strife, contention, conflict, or war; or an inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that is a gift of God, an assurance, and serenity within a person’s heart.
Count your blessings. There has to be something you are grateful for that will bring a smile to your face. When entangled in negativity we forget blessings even exist. We take so many things for granted like the beauty of nature surrounding us. There is the splendor of nature’s first snowflakes of winter, the burst of new buds on a tree in spring, and the singing birds rejoicing a new summer. Just take a break to look around you and capture the beauty of life.
Pray. More often than not, we think we have control over our lives but don’t, and forget that something bigger than us is at play. Sometimes we have to let go and just let God. The only way to do that is through prayer. Prayer is a simple conversation between you and the Creator. Need help with anything in your life… just ask. Then search your soul for the answer. The grace of God helps us through the faith we carry. Trust is the key that unlocks serenity.
Meditate. Meditation draws us inwards allowing the surrender of those external factors, which plague us. Besides harnessing the true nature and essence of just being, we channel in a state of harmony. Through a conscious mind shift, we gain ultimate clarity and awareness. This enables peace and serenity to move into a space once occupied by fears, worries, and doubts.
Be not afraid, incorporate change if need be. It keeps things fresh and interesting. When things fly south, you know it’s time to start something different. Remember that things have a way of happening with or without you. So when you take the reins you can move your life in the direction you want to take it. Instead of having life take you in a direction you aren’t ready or willing to face.
Forgive, forget, and move on. A good friend and colleague once said, “In a hundred years will any of this matter?” I looked at him and replied, “None of us will be here!” Then he responded, “That’s right… so who’s left to care?”
We spend too much time ruminating on what should be, instead of what is. Perhaps the cup we carry isn’t as empty as we thought. It’s when we accept things as they are then we can muster the courage to change what we can. So we face what is and avoid resentment altogether by discouraging the drama which permeates our lives. Offended by what someone said, didn’t say, did or didn’t do doesn’t even make sense. Why does any of it matter? Why do we give someone authority to influence us? So we choose to see things another way by changing our perspective.
When living outside the now, in the yesterday only to end up lost… lost in negative thought. Not only finding ourselves in a place of discontent but also missing the finer aspects of life because of harbored ill feelings toward a perceived wrong. We achieve a state of calm and find the place of serenity only when living in the present moment. Just by changing mental gears we can shift from pessimism to optimism. It’s important to catch ourselves whenever falling back into the past and getting caught up in unhealthy thoughts. Perhaps slip-sliding into the future and adopting a state of anxiety. We have the power to change, to set the tone, to soften the harsh truth. Never forget that you are in charge of the life you lead and can usher in serenity.