They both knew, yet did nothing. Years later, he moved to the west coast and she moved on. We juggle so many things in life. The worse thing one can do is juggle memories too. By looking back, we get stuck in the past. The choice is ours. We can either hold on to past events that don’t serve us or release them altogether. What ends up happening when we cling to the past longer than we should, is we end up fighting our feelings. We usually do this to guard our hearts. When we guard our hearts, we create invisible boundaries. The boundary we struggle to maintain takes an excessive toll. Not only does this energy work against us, it becomes stagnant and eventually becomes negative energy.
Freedom is a state of mind.
When we work with negative energy, we channel insecurity and low self-esteem. This leads to depression and anxiety. We wallow in a state of inhibition until thoughts turn into misunderstandings. We misjudge people, events, and situations because we are reluctant to change. Any change requires we move gracefully through each life lesson until it supports the way we live, learn, and grow.
To temper our emotions and maintain resistance, will only keep us stuck. Feeling stuck can make life difficult. Until we reach out, we find out this life doesn’t have to be the way we make it out to be. It doesn’t have to be complicated.
What can we do to make those wrongs right? The first step is to acknowledge whatever took place, happened for a reason. And the second step is to understand that there will always be “a why” after “a what.” Why it occurred will follow what happened. Sometimes, it’s usually something beyond our control. Things beyond control tell us it’s time to take a hard left toward something different. But the thing is, is it really beyond our control? Perhaps we can do something about it.
Freedom lies in being bold.
So what happens when we open our hearts? We open the line of communication. We reach out fearlessly. After all, we need answers. We stand in our truth with confidence. And on the other end of the text, the call, the email, or what have you, we ask those difficult questions. Knowing we have a fifty-fifty chance of getting a positive response. However, if the response is one we don’t want, we simply accept it for what it is. Now, we can release whatever kept us from moving on. We express, accept, then get on with life. We live with the answer. But what happens when we receive no answer? No answer is an answer.
Life is only as difficult as you make it. When you hold on, hold back, you end up living in your head, focused on regrets. Stuck in an uncomfortable headspace not only uses up valuable time, but it takes a lot of energy that will create nothing but stagnant energy. Listen to your intuition. What’s your heart telling you? Follow your heart.
When we are carefree, we stop worrying about what will or won’t take place. We don’t bury those feelings that need to surface for healing to take place. So you, my friend, can set yourself free from the negative energy that keeps you trapped. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, only lead to believing something that perhaps isn’t/wasn’t even true. We need to know the story, whether fact or fiction. We need to know.
What’s important is to step up to the plate and give it your best shot. Make the call, send a text, and have that candid conversation. You just never know what will turn in your favor. And until you’re open and honest with yourself about how you feel, and forthright with the other person, you will never know how they feel about you. Once you know, you will experience the freedom you desire. The freedom of knowing.
I don’t know what’s worse. Not knowing, or preventing oneself from knowing. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s this… life is easier when we know.
Life is easier when you follow your heart.