Sometimes we have this undeniable feeling something is about to take place. We know change is in the wind. Perhaps our emotional state spells out its time, time to pursue what rests within our hearts, time to be a free spirit. Passionate about a new direction, excited about a new adventure. We sense it. How can we understand this intense emotion, and how do we move to a space of surrender? Where we can just let go and transform the space we’re in, so it reflects where we need to be. How do we align the life we are living now, with a dream which seems surreal?
An alliance between the dream and its reality can only come to light when we take the action to get something started. It’s a dance between fear and fascination. And somewhere in the middle, we contemplate our next steps. The state of thoughtfulness can be tricky, it’s where we can get stuck between knowing and not knowing. Unfortunately, this is also where we procrastinate long enough, only to fall short in achieving the dream, the vision, the goal.
We create an invisible wall, which eventually turns into a boundary. The barriers we have difficulty moving from, keeps us entrapped. And these obstacles become the in-between phase. Between what you want and what you currently have. Somewhere between simple and complicated rests something intriguing. The bottom line is if we aren’t honest with ourselves and refuse to address whatever we’re contemplating, whatever we envision will be unattainable. It’s one thing to think about it, but it’s a whole new storyline to do something about it. The key is to do what we believe is best. But for whatever reason, we hold back. Unfortunately, holding back prevents us from moving forward, which keeps us from living a rich, fulfilling life. If we are never ready or willing to take a chance, then living our best life will be but a pipe dream.
Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.
To achieve our dream, we have to remove the restraints, otherwise known as limitations. We have to tell our fears to take a back seat so we can be a free spirit who’s willing to take a chance. Unfortunately, we struggle with our vulnerability and interpret the state of affairs as being complicated when it isn’t.
We take a canvas and paint a picture we would like to see ourselves in. However, it’s the same picture we choose to not reveal. The one that lies buried within the back of our minds and somewhere deep within the chamber of our heart. This painting is one that will never see the light of day. We hold back and hold on to hope, faithfully carrying on as we are, where we are.
Sadly, we focus on our fears and get stuck within the walls we built to protect our heart. It’s when the need to move on is paramount, but moving forward is impossible. The key is to keep moving through the cycles of life, through the difficulties and challenges even though we aren’t quite ready. Just because you are not ready to move on, not ready to take a risk, not ready for love, doesn’t mean you stop doing what you need to do. To make something great happen we have to do what we are afraid of doing. Be ready to explore the work and the life you want to experience.
We gather our thoughts, but don’t follow through with a plan. Eventually, the dream becomes mission impossible even when there’s curiosity in a program, interest in a job, or attraction to a potential suitor. We take no action because we believe something or someone is unattainable. Whenever we’re interested in anything or anyone, we have the tendency to play the waiting game. We wait and wait until it’s too late. And while waiting and contemplating on what took place or didn’t, is usually where we get stuck. Stuck on what we think and feel, inevitably becomes what we end up experiencing.
If you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.
Transformation begins with you and starts when you think and do things differently. Life doesn’t have to be complicated. We are the ones who complicate matters that aren’t complex. Stuck in limbo between should we or shouldn’t we. We shuffle back and forth between yes and no and get stuck at, maybe. Maybe I’ll start the project tomorrow, maybe I’ll place that call another day, maybe I will begin something new next year.
Every tomorrow remains a mystery until we step in to experience it. What’s important is to take a chance instead of shuffling back and forth between should and shouldn’t. Should we wait or shouldn’t we wait? Everything begins and ends with you. It begins when your inner dialogue changes, which can lead to positive thinking and transformation. We have the power within, our inner guidance. We get insight by asking and searching our heart for the answers.
If you acted upon what you already know to be true for you, will you be ready? Ready for change, ready for love, ready for success? What changes are you willing to accept and implement right now? Whenever, our thoughts align with our hearts, positive aspects enter the picture because we believe. You have the freedom to move from where you are to where it is you would rather be. You create your reality.
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.
Be who you need to be. Defend your cause, stand with conviction, and aim for happiness. Free to dream, to plan, and take the journey needed to realize success. Launch your business, place that call, take a chance on something new. If you insist on waiting, just dreaming, but fail to set the vision in motion, nothing happens. Nothing. While you wait… change something, do what it is you see yourself doing, you have to start somewhere.