We all have an essential part to play, but the role we take part in depends on how we interpret life. It begins with each one of us individually, and spreads throughout our relationships and into every aspect of our lives. There’s a healing power of love, which can take place but only if we let it.
Changing is not just changing the things outside of us. First of all we need the right view that transcends all notions including of being and non-being, creator and creature, mind and spirit. That kind of insight is crucial for transformation and healing.
The power of love begins with loving ourselves first, because when we love who we are only then can we understand our love for others. When we are open to giving and receiving, this is when special relationships come to light. Within these special bonds, we receive and give love fully and unconditionally. Whether together or apart, the healing power of love flows. Love isn’t only expressed on a physical plane, but it’s love expressed energetically and spiritually. And as your thoughts determine your direction, so will your energy. Whatever you put out into the world returns to you.
Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.
What you give you get. We are more likely to receive love when we give love. However, it’s not only giving to get. The essential key is to practice genuine love for us to receive genuine healing. Our love has to be measurable, visible, and unconditional, not only consisting of flowers, gifts, kind words, and poetic messages, although all lovely gestures. But what’s more so required is authentic love. An all-inclusive healing love, which includes honest communication, loyalty, commitment, kindness, patience, generosity, trust, and respect. These are the facets of love which create the very foundation of any solid relationship.
Perhaps the memory of a particular incident, place, time, or person is but a glorified interpretation. Sometimes we create a love story that never even existed. Maybe we got hung up on someone who didn’t feel the same way. It could of been where we stayed a little too long in a relationship just for the sake of a relationship. To remain in any struggle is difficult. However, what’s even harder is walking away. It’s difficult to begin again and start anew. But to begin and start anew is the pathway to healing. Once on that path, we cleanse out the cobwebs, make some changes, and clear the air so we can grow into a better version of what can be.
Every life experience, we learn a great deal. And it is by living through the challenges, the heartbreaks, and the hardships that transform who we can become. We live through each storyline, good or bad. What helps us the most throughout our journey is supportive loving people who have our best interest at heart. This is how healing occurs, when focused solely on the love.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
When we are aware of the support of others, this helps us to concentrate on healing other parts of our lives. When we come out on the other side of any difficulty, we inherit resilience, wisdom, and knowledge. And this alone will shed light on the healing power of love. We trust that beauty arrives after the challenge, after the struggle, and after the pain. Beauty comes after we reflect on what we endured and embraced what we have learned. The hardship we walked through and from, gave us the courage and the strength to see things in a different light.