Your world, your life, the job you perform, the people you know will challenge you. Life will not only challenge you to be your best, but it may also provoke you to bring out your worse. If the challenges only bring out your worse, you may have some kind of truth to face. It’s possible to overcome any test once we communicate with honest dialogue. The dialogue you have with not only others, but the most important dialogue will be the one you have with yourself. Is there something lurking in the shadows or beneath the surface that you refuse to admit? Perhaps the stronghold of jealousy or envy have to be uprooted. These two companions will always be the root cause of friction within a family, an organization, or within a relationship.
Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.
Secrets and lies lurk in the shadows and are concealed within one’s heart. Sometimes referred to as the shadow side or one’s inner darkness. The key is to open your heart, be transparent, and stand in your truth. Reveal all that bears heaviness on your soul. No secrets, no lies, just the plain wholesome truth. Jealousy and envy will make one’s life not only complicated, but it will ensure you continue carrying a significant emotional burden. Emotional weight that only serves to create anxiety, depression, and frustration, which impacts not only the relationship but one’s overall well-being.
Everyone works at becoming who they are, not only when they are on their own, but while spending time with others. But before we interact and share our lives, we must first understand who we really are. Are we comfortable in our own skin? We control the life we lead. When having to deal with any challenge, we may uncover not only the concealed motives of others but also the hidden aspects of ourselves.
What makes people tick won’t always be clear. However, the truth will always surface, regardless of its timing. It will find its way. The truth reveals that every unnecessary conflict will normally occur because of some form of negativity, whether it’s jealousy, envy, or insecurity. Keeping company with someone who practices any of these traits will create drama in your life. Sadly, it will always be negative.
I think it’s important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state – meaning surround yourself with positive people, not the kind who are negative and jealous of everything you do.
A toxic place or relationship is where love never grows because of the ruthless energy that abides in its space. Sometimes there’s no way around the conflict but to face it directly, moving through it, to get past it. When stepping through the conflict, we ultimately reach a place where peace and harmony reside. It won’t be easy to reach this space because it requires compassion, empathy, and appreciation, minus any jealousy or envy. However, with this being said, there are some relationships that will never heal because someone continues to carry resentment, hard feelings that they themselves find difficult to overcome.
Every thought, step, action, deed, or word will precede the path we end up taking. We pick our destiny. Our choices determine the path. And the path will ultimately reveal the destination. We decide what path to follow. Just because someone takes the wrong route, doesn’t mean they have to continue on that road. When we nurture our hearts, trust our intuition, accept who we are, then we can begin again by embracing a new way of thinking and a better way of being.
When we practice love, we set out on a journey to understanding. If understanding and empathy are missing so is love. When we love wholeheartedly, we commit to something better because we finally see things in a different light. We see places, events, and people for what they truly are, what they mean to us, and what they will ultimately be. The Power of love extinguishes any hidden resentment because it consists of compassion, understanding, and acceptance… the essence of any strong relationship.
The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.