What’s your story? The story lived and the other story secretly held in your heart. Your story is where you’ve been, where you are, and where you dream of going. It’s the experiences, understanding, and awareness as you lead your life on a winding road, through a series of tests, problems, and obstacles. I call these the trails of life. Everything you go through ultimately intermingles and merges with happiness.
The trail we choose moves us from one chapter to the next becoming the life we lead. Through experiences, we learn essential life lessons. From these lessons, we evolve, moreover, spiritually mature. This spiritual growth enables us to embark on a different journey, on a mission toward a passionate pursuit. Ideally, in search of the fundamental truth, our truth, the inner truth we sometimes deny. It’s in the day-to-day stuff we process, accept and engage, it’s the good and the bad interwoven as we travel the pathway of life.
Eventually, we come to the fork in the road where change is inevitable. At the fork, we stop to ponder. Sometimes seeing what we never saw… until now. When you noted the career path isn’t the right fit or a relationship that falls short. Somehow missing something along the way we failed, by neglecting to see, hear, and understand, even though we played by the rules.
When unsuccessful we always look back when we should focus on what’s before us. We end up turning to inner wisdom, our inner guru and ask an important life-changing question. If we attentively listen, we discover what we need is closer than we think. Intuition always reminds us of incompletion, the incomplete story, the unfinished business, and those imperfect endings.
Your heart always discloses the answers. It channels what you must know and once you tune in you intimately connect with God. For whatever reason, we don’t settle enough to take the time to listen. To listen to what our body, our situation, our life tells us… in a nutshell, what our story reveals.
As you keep your mind and heart focused in the right direction, approaching each day with faith and gratitude, I believe you will be empowered to live life to the fullest and enjoy the abundant life He has promised you.
When concentrating on an issue, it becomes the focal point. Now magnified it turns into something big, bigger than it should be. We blow things out of proportion. However, by acknowledging the situation, problem, or obstacle for what it really is… a reflection of something deeper within. Perhaps something we have yet to learn about ourselves.
When the truth arises, freedom is experienced, and that freedom leads to the expression of gratitude. Grateful for the love we once had, thankful for the lessons we learned along the way and pleased with every refreshing start of something new. The state of appreciation allows God to weave something amazing into the life we lead.