What we believe, can and will make a difference in our lives. So, it goes without saying, there’s a distinction between who we believe we are and who we truly are. How we see ourselves and where we see ourselves matters. But this is just the beginning. Living your best life will depend on what you believe. With time, we evolve and grow, becoming better versions of who we once were.
Most people are a work in progress. The key is to return to self, to the authentic being we are so we can master our lives. It’s important to not get too self-absorbed or too self-conscious of who we are or for that matter who we aren’t. It’s a negative state whenever we become too uncomfortable in our skin. When we return to our truth and live in authenticity, we not only restore harmony, we restore what we lost. The peace within.
Sometimes you have to give a little push, one way or the other, to get past the depression, low self-esteem, unhealthy relationships, procrastination, or whatever is holding you back from living your best life.
Sometimes, there needs to be a shift of perception before gaining a new perspective. Only then will we see what path to follow. When we trust intuition, follow our hearts, we can release what has no meaning or value. We see the signs and receive the signals. These are but simple reminders to pay heed to the revelations as they unfold to redirect our steps. It’s those hidden aspects of life that break the surface to give us much needed clarity.
Life flirts with me, seduces me. I constantly hear the siren call of life.
With clarity, we are more decisive because we no longer live in a state of fear and confusion. Don’t get me wrong, reason and logic have their place. But the heart will always guide the way, beckoning us to live our truth, which in essence is our best life. Even so, we deny the signs and signals by refusing to take a stand for what we believe we can do. Perhaps, now’s the time to do better than we have before, and to not push it out to the dreamy distant future. The timing is in this moment, when you work on being the best you. When you strive toward living your best life.