Why is it important to note when you aren’t making the best choices? Can our choices lead to a better life? Absolutely. But our selection can also get in our way. Everything depends on what we choose. The decision to go with the flow or go against the grain, to live with limitations or to step out fearlessly. Choices are endless. To do or not to do, to go or not to go, to speak or not to speak. The big question… are you making the best choices?
Every choice should hold value and meaning that lead to personal growth. If it isn’t beneficial, then the choice you make may not be the right choice. We review, reassess only to realize we have to step away from something to something else. When we decide to step into something new, old things fade away. Like our impression of the past and what we believed was, perhaps wasn’t.
We strike a balance between a memory and reality, and this balance between what is versus what was is a choice. One that may place us on track, leading us to where we need to be. Perhaps we straddle a fence too long, especially during a time when choosing a direction is paramount. When all is said and done, choosing to balance your life will take on new meaning after making better choices. But this hinges on you being all in and working from a place of honesty and clarity. Honest with you and clear on the direction you want to take.
Some of our important choices have a timeline. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice that involves change. Thus an opportunity may be missed.
There’s an adage to strike while the iron is hot. It means we have to be decisive and make the most of an opportunity. It starts with a situation that leads to a choice. So you do what you have to do, say what you need to say, plan what you must plan, then get out of your way. No point overthinking, overanalyzing, over anything. Choices are good or bad, but that depends on the choice, it depends on you, on where you are in life, and the circumstances that surround you.
Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re difficult, but we must make them.
Why choose to stay stuck on the path of least resistance that isn’t beneficial for your well-being, your happiness, or for that matter, your future. Fence sitting is no longer an option. Going with the flow may be great in certain cases, but not in all situations. When we avoid difficult decisions, we only postpone what we already know. If we believe there’s an easier course of action or a simpler route, we may unintentionally end up taking the wrong road, heading the wrong way, only to end up nowhere specific. Or worse, ending up where we don’t want to be. I want more for you. You should want more for you. Start by making better choices. Whatever you choose to do, decide to get off the fence, so you can do what you have to do to get to where you want to be.