Who enjoys being stuck? Hopefully, no one. The thing is, whenever we magnify a situation, an issue, a circumstance, we cannot see a way out. Why is that? Because we’re unable to think clearly. Whenever we focus on the wrong things, we won’t see the right things. We don’t have the big picture, just a lot of snippets of everything wrong. When we trust something better exists, and imagine what that looks like, we can get a glimpse of how our lives could be if given a chance. A little confidence goes a long way. If we lack trust and have little to no faith, disbelief will set in, and what happens is we go nowhere. Are you somewhere between on-again, off-again? Why settle for an inharmonious relationship?
In time, new things take place. Situations come and go. Love comes, and love goes. So, if we take stock and follow it up with the required action, we can spin something not so good to something better. A dream can come true. If open to changing something in our lives, reshaping who we are, altering our viewpoint and attitude toward life, it’s transformative. Sadly, we get stuck in a pit of overthinking, over-rationalizing, and over-analyzing. This just means it’s time for something in our lives to change. Exit stage left. And with rekindled faith, we can take a step in a new direction.
There will always be a need to change it up a notch, to shift those routines before we can experience something other than what we are going through now. Perhaps we have to look at everything with not only fresh eyes but with renewed hope. Do you carry faith in your pocket, or is it dangling for the world to see? And what about love and the work it takes to keep it going? Not to mention, what is it about those strange relationships? Ever so fleeting. One minute the relationship is on, the next minute off, working, not working, working… not. Take inventory. Assess where you stand. Consider who you spend time with. Think about what you are feeling whenever you are with them. What are you freely giving, and what are you receiving? Is it balanced? Is it fair? If not, why not?
Now, what if a relationship is off-kilter, and not where you’d like it to be, or simply going nowhere? You are not alone. When there’s a sense of fairness and stability, there’s usually peace. And if there isn’t peace, you have to ask yourself why. Perhaps you need to take everything in stride and just get on with it. Get on with your life. Take a step toward something different, something meaningful, something that works. Practicality has a place. And while you remain practical, focusing on something that measures up and means more, a shift can and will take place because you finally understand what you are missing. The key is to live life fully, wholeheartedly. A change in focus, in direction, doing something, doing anything can move you from what once was, to what can be. Imagine that.
Life is the only thing which can never be replaced when lost.
Love this web site. Thank-you!
Can I just say what a help you’ve been. Someone who really knows what they’re talking about on the internet. You know how to deliver a subject and make it relevant. Folks have to learn this stuff and understand this side of the story. I can’t understand why you’re not an influencer, considering you undoubtedly have a gift.