We move through our emotions ever so subtly one day, and aggressively the next. At times, we use controlled energy to suppress our feelings. And other times, letting them run rampant until they control our better judgment. What’s important to note: we’re empowered to change those very thoughts that can alter those emotions. Perhaps, by keeping something under wraps or keeping someone/something out of sight and out of mind, we channel our strength. The strength that can penetrate any stronghold demands we be braver than we are. Not only practicing the act of bravery but understanding the importance of releasing negative energy. But first, we must eliminate negative thinking.
We all have two lives: an inner life and an outer life. Your inner life is your soul life, which includes your mind, will, and emotions. Your outer life is your physical life. And while God cares about every detail, He is more concerned with your inner life.
Unfortunately, we ignore the facts or refuse to acknowledge that we aren’t receiving enough. Enough attention, enough love, enough support. Enough of anything we deem important. So we put on a brave face by masking how we feel and prevent ourselves from revealing our truth, the true feelings we have for something or someone. We do this until we stop reminiscing about something that no longer exists. Sometimes we are simply oblivious to what is. And then there are those things not as apparent. Regardless, the key is to clean one slate before moving on to the next. To restore, reconcile, rebuild, we step into our boldness with fresh insight, a new outlook, and a different approach.
Learning how to master our emotions starts with acknowledging what occurred in the past remains there. What about high hopes? We may be hopeful, but we hold back. We become logical, practical, perhaps even indulging in the role of an over-thinker to a fault. What happens whenever we overthink is we never take the required action because we get so caught up in the thought process. Whether it’s obsessing over relationships, fixated on our creative pursuits, or consumed with career ventures. Sadly, we don’t go for what we truly want and need. We look too far ahead and get lost. So lost in thought, we lose our way, or we are so consumed with the past, we get stuck.
Maybe I’m being philosophical and spiritual, but I believe that if you put negative energy out there, that is what will come back.
Negative thoughts can lead to an upside-down life if we aren’t careful. We try filling in a void, only to end up wasting valuable time and energy. We think until we think our lives away. This can happen when we sense loss. There is a tendency to over-read a situation. Sometimes even expecting more from a situation than we are able to give. So what’s best is to work solo. Work on you, on your dreams, on your life. This way, you move into a positive state of being because you focus on your goals of becoming a better person. When we’re attentive to what we can control, which is our thoughts and actions, we are less absorbed in what we can’t control.Â
I realized that if my thoughts immediately affect my body, I should be careful about what I think. Now if I get angry, I ask myself why I feel that way. If I can find the source of my anger, I can turn that negative energy into something positive.
Why stay stuck in a negative mindset? Real living begins when you take a chance by moving outside the comfort zone. Why settle in a state of perpetual fear, which only leads to a state of unhappiness? Entangled in a web of thoughts about life and love. Specifically, negative thoughts, negative thinking. Work on what matters. Work on bridging the gap to happiness. In other words, usher in your own happiness. Find it in you, in what you have the opportunity to achieve, the opportunity to create. Find it once you realize the importance of releasing negative energy.
Letting things go has become a motto for me. Thanks for posting.
Fantastic blog post. Keep up the great work!! 🙂
You are extremely talented. I find I get wrapped up in my head about all that stuff that doesn’t matter. Thanks for putting this out there.
I just have to say that I love what you’ve written.
Sound advice. I admit this blog struck a chord…… I was wondering why I always attracted negative people. No wonder, that was exactly who I was (like attracting like). Fast forward, I did what you indicated, released the negativity and voila nothing but smooth sailing from here on in. Great blog!
You have a great style of writing. Loving your website and your posts.
I could sure take this post and apply it to my life. Appreciate you!!
Cool post.
Like your blog, love your writing… topics are very interesting. Thanks for the effort you put into this website.
Wow, what a deep blog post. I like that you state, “work on you, on your dreams, on your life.” When I read this, I felt that is what I must do. Get over the past and release what’s been the cause of negative energy in my life. It sure is hard to let go.