There I was, staring at the blank page a little longer then I had intended. I needed a break, and as I looked out the window, I watched in awe as the snowflakes danced freely in mid-air. As they twirled with the wind, I realized that the blank page is where everything begins, and in time, reveals its story.
The pages are blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.
Where we are and what we feel, began as a clean slate and started in a clear space. It could very well be a space of unknowing, where we don’t know about something until we go through it. As we look back at the year that was, we wonder how we managed. And as difficult as it was, we eagerly pressed on.
Perhaps 2020 was a hiatus of sorts, from normalcy. As we attempted to stay safe, we were forced to refocus and adapt. We don’t know what the future has in store, but the key is to remain hopeful, so we can usher the years ahead with confidence. The blank page is a setting where we set our intentions, a place where we get to create what we want to experience. It’s a personal canvas that awaits what our hearts are willing to disclose.
Maybe we need to simplify. Perhaps we need to get back on track and simply accept a new routine. Maybe we need to refocus and rebalance our lives. To accept what is, and to understand the true nature of not only who we are but to welcome those things we adore and the times we cherish.
Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.
The blank page not only inspired me, but it left me thinking about how captivated we are with tradition. We have a tendency to let negative thoughts get in our way, consumed with what this Christmas won’t be. Instead, we are to make the best of what it is.
Perhaps there’s a message to those who struggle with the notion of Christmas. Alone with only their thoughts, without anyone to share the season with besides a memory of the past. But what I really want to relay is that it’s okay. It’s okay to have these feelings. This is when we are challenged to accept that it’s okay to be alone.
The message of Christmas is we are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world seemingly most indifferent…
When we gather our strength and courage and place our belief, faith, and hope at the forefront, what happens? Better thoughts leads to better things. It’s a mystery how this works. It just does. Some of us pray, others set intentions, and some go through whatever comes their way with an intuitive knowing, believing there’s light beyond darkness.
Christmas gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us.
The symbolism of Christmas is peace, joy, hope, and love, maybe this is why we love this time of year so much. Christmas is a gentle reminder of the beauty of life and love. We tend to relish it during this window in time. Perhaps what we do is what we shouldn’t do, and that is to place such a high expectation on just this time of year. As we list our resolutions, why not add one more? To create memorable occasions throughout a year that involves joy, peace, hope, and love.
Cherish you, your time, your space, your life whether alone or with others. Dream big dreams. And trust in the gifts that don’t come with bows and ribbons. Draw your attention to the presents that present themselves throughout the year, as you take the time to reflect on where you are and to contemplate where you dream of going. The greatest gifts are the ones we discover, create, and experience.
So this Christmas, as you fumble your way through what it will be or won’t be, grab hold of the Spirit of Christmas. With love, hope, and peace, take joy in what you can make of this season.
What is Christmas? It is the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future.